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Monday, June 23, 2008

Pizzas could be contaminated by toxic chemicals found in take-away boxes, and could, therefore, be harmful to human health, according to a new study.

Pizza boxes could harm human health
Article in the Telegraph


"Scientists found boxes made from recycled material sometimes contain toxic inks, glues and dyes which could be transferred to food when heated.

One chemical, diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP), is causing particular concern because of fears it could affect sex hormones.

DIBP is part of the phthalate group of chemicals, which according to the Food Standards Agency "may have a harmful affect on human reproductive development because they have been reported to be endocrine (hormone) disrupters."

German paper and cardboard manufacturers have stopped using the chemical for fear of its potential dangers.

Monica Bononi, lead scientist in the research, explained that as hot pizzas are placed in boxes there is a chance food will be exposed to chemicals in the cardboard."